A Wider Perspective

January 18th, 2009 — 11:07am

To give more context to the photo in the first post, here’s more of the Asbury Park Boardwalk.

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Where Did I Come From?

January 17th, 2009 — 10:00am

This poor, neglected blog. Somehow after getting into Twitter a couple years ago, it become difficult to write more than 140 characters. For some reason longer posts are more daunting, and make me feel shy. This blog just sat here empty for months. So while I warm back up to writing longer posts about topics such as the Sierra Online Adventures, Harriet the Spy, how I got my first web job back in 1995, what I learned about social interfaces by spending time in a village in Bali, and the similarities and differences between online communities for teachers, kids, teens, non-profits, and entrepreneurs, I’ll just post for now an image of where I grew up. That’s Convention Hall on the Asbury Park Boardwalk, if you didn’t know. Down by the shore in central New Jersey. I’m far, far away from there now, and still close.

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